Meet the Team

Felix Martin, SE


Felix Martin is a graduate of the California State University at Long Beach, with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering received in 1977 and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering received in 1984.  He was elected to join Chi Epsilon, the national engineering honor society, and Tau Beta P, the national engineering honor society.

In 1986, Mr. Martin formed Martin Structural Design, Inc., where he directed the design of single and multi-family residences, steel office buildings, concrete tilt-up and masonry warehousing and office buildings, retail centers, parking facilities, parochial schools, and churches.  In addition, he provided property evaluation reports, forensic studies, and construction litigation expert services.  In 1996, MSDI was reorganized as Marcon Forensics, LLC.

As Marcon Forensics’ principal engineer, Mr. Martin has written storm, fire, and earthquake damage reports, as well as defective construction structural and building envelope reports for single family and multi-family residences, retail centers, and warehouses. A seasoned engineer, licensed in multiple states, and with extensive experience in structural design and forensics, Mr. Martin has been retained as an Expert in multiple states

Felix Martin, SE


Felix Martin is a graduate of the California State University at Long Beach, with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering received in 1977 and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering received in 1984.  He was elected to join Chi Epsilon, the national engineering honor society, and Tau Beta P, the national engineering honor society.

In 1986, Mr. Martin formed Martin Structural Design, Inc., where he directed the design of single and multi-family residences, steel office buildings, concrete tilt-up and masonry warehousing and office buildings, retail centers, parking facilities, parochial schools, and churches.  In addition, he provided property evaluation reports, forensic studies, and construction litigation expert services.  In 1996, MSDI was reorganized as Marcon Forensics, LLC.

As Marcon Forensics’ principal engineer, Mr. Martin has written storm, fire, and earthquake damage reports, as well as defective construction structural and building envelope reports for single family and multi-family residences, retail centers, and warehouses. A seasoned engineer, licensed in multiple states, and with extensive experience in structural design and forensics, Mr. Martin has been retained as an Expert in multiple states

Charles Long, PE


Marty Ibarra

Lead Field Investigator

JP Gabler, PE

Project Manager

Thomas Trist

Senior Analyst

Jholyn Gutierrez


Chrissy Terry

Senior Analyst

Sara Salcines

Marketing/Project Scheduling

Brandon Cottman

Field Technician

Efrain Quinones

Field Technician


Office Manager

Awards & Achievement

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